Dietary Supplements: Are they necessary?

Supplements tend to be the first thing we run to, believing they can provide us with the nutrients our bodies need. In fact, one of the first questions most new clients ask me is generally presented in the form of a box or bag filled with bottles of "nutritional supplements" they paid a lot of money for. That got me thinking. Maybe the following article will be of deep interest to you and help address your questions in a comprehensive way.

Glenn Sabin, my friend and author of N of 1 wrote a very informative piece on supplements and has agreed to share it with you. You might also want to check out his website

Dietary Supplements: Harmful or Essential? Cutting Through the Unrelenting Rhetoric 


Written with Lise Alschuler, ND
First appeared on FON Consulting in December 2014

What a firestorm! Ever since Dr. Paul Offit's book  Do you Believe in Magic: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine was released (in 2014) last summer, there’s been a burst of new negative dietary supplement study results and position papers. Editorials, featuring provocative headlines such as: Enough is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements and Don’t Take Your Vitamins, have been published in prominent medical journals and major media outlets, many authored or co-authored by the omnipresent Offit, himself.

In response to the loud and growing chorus of conventional and academic physicians opposing dietary supplementation, The Council for Responsible Nutrition, and Natural Products Association have released their own statements. This article attempts to break through the din and unremitting confusion sown by the media whir around dietary supplements, the industry that champions their use and public health in general.
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